
12V Stereo Amplifier Circuit by BA5417 IC

BA5417 is a dual OTL monolithic power IC with two built-in, high output speaker amplifier circuits. High output of 5W×2 can be produced when VCC=12V and RL=3Ω, and 2.8W×2 when VCC=9V and RL=3Ω. BA5417 not only exceeds basic characteristics, but also has a built-in soft clip circuit, thermal shutdown and standby circuits.

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12V Stereo Amplifier Circuit by BA5417 IC

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The BA5417 stereo power amplifier circuit is somewhat similar to the BA5406 based stereo amplifier circuit. 2 x C-in are DC decoupling capacitors which block any DC level present in the input signals. C3 and C5 couples the amplifiers left and right power outputs to the corresponding loud speakers. C2 and C6 are bootstrap capacitors. Bootstrapping is a method in which a portion of the amplifiers is taken and applied to the input. The prime objective of bootstrapping is to improve the input impedance. Networks R1,C1 and R2,C7 are meant for improving the high frequency stability of the circuit. C4 is the power supply filter capacitor. Sw is the standby switch. C8 is a filter capacitor. RF1 and RF2 sets the gain of the left and right channels of the amplifier in conjunction with the 39K internal feedback resistors.
BA5417 IC Pinout

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