
Guitar Fuzz Box

Guitar Fuzz Box

This circuit was designed to obtain a valve-like distorted sound from an electric guitar or other musical instrument. For this purpose a very high gain, three-FET amplifier circuit, was used. The output square wave shows marked rounded corners, typical of valve-circuits when driven into saturation. Therefore, the distorted sound obtained from such a device has a peculiar tone, much loved by most leading guitarists.

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Guitar Fuzz Box

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Circuit set-up using oscilloscope and sine wave generator:
Connect a 1KHz sine wave generator to J1 and the oscilloscope to J2.
Adjust R4 until the output square wave shows equal mark-space ratio.

"By ear" circuit set-up:
Connect a musical instrument to J1 and an amplifier to J2.
Carefully adjust R4 in order to obtain as maximum output sound intensity as possible.

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