
DA1553CQ - Car Audio Amplifier 2 x 22 Watt Circuit

This is a 22 Watt car stereo audio amplifier. The circuit is based by a single IC TDA1553 with some external components, this IC will handle your stereo car audio system. The IC TDA1553CQ contains 2×22 W amplifiers with differential input stages and can be used for bridge applications.. The gain of each amplifier is fixed at 26 dB. The device is primarily developed for car radio applications.

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 DA1553CQ - Car Audio Amplifier 2 x 22 Watt Circuit

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 DA1553CQ PinOut DA1553CQ IC Pinning

  • The DA1553CQ IC must be fitted with adequately sized heat sinks.
  • Connect a 10K POT in series with the input as volume control if you need. Not shown in circuit diagram.
  • Use 12V DC for powering the circuit.

When a short-circuit to ground occurs, which forces a DC voltage across the loudspeaker of >= V, a built-in protection circuit becomes active and limits the DC voltage across the loudspeaker to <= V. Pin 12 detects the status of the protection circuit (e.g. for diagnostic purposes).

If any output is short-circuited to ground during the standby mode, it becomes impossible to switch the circuit to the mute or operating condition. In this event the supply current will be limited to a few milliamps.

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