
TDA1013B - 4W Audio Amplifier Circuit

The following a circuit of 4 watt audio amplifier. The amplifier is using on integrated audio amplifier chip, TDA1013B which is able to gained the audio power output up to 4W at 8 ohm loads. The wide supply voltage range makes this amplifier circuit ideal for applications in mains and battery-fed apparatus such as television receivers and record players.

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TDA1013B - 4W Audio Amplifier Circuit

Password : asinan

  • The TDA1013B IC must be fitted with adequately sized heat sinks.
  • Connect a 10K POT in series with the input as volume control if you need.Not shown in circuit diagram.
  • Use 9-18V DC for powering the circuit.
  • This amplifier circuit can be used in a variety of applications such as car audio systems, home theater systems, personal audio systems, public address systems etc.
The DC volume control stage has a logarithmic control characteristic with a range of more than 80 dB; control is by means of a DC voltage variable between 2 and 6.5 V. The audio amplifier has a well defined open loop gain and a fixed integrated closed loop. This device requires only a few external components and offers stability and performance.

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