
TDA7560 - 4×55 Watts Amplifier Circuit

This is a 4×55 watt audio amplifier circuit designed by the popular quad bridge amplifier TDA7560. With a 14.4V supply the amplifier circuit will produce a power output of 4 x 55W on 2 Ohm load. The circuit is activated when the ST-By and MUTE pins are both connected the Vcc. The maximum supply voltage is 18V.

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TDA7560 - 4×55 Watts Amplifier Circuit

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Rangkaian Amplifier TDA7560 - 4×55 Watts
TDA7560 chip PinningTDA7560 is a 4 x 50 watt quad bridge car audio amplifier. The inputs are compatible with TDA7560 soil and can tolerate very high input signals (± 8Vpk) without sacrificing performance. If Hz are included as standard input capacitors (0.1mF), reducing the low frequency cut-off will amount to 16 Hz.

The TDA7560 is developing a breakthrough BCD (Bipolar / CMOS / AMG) Class AB Audio Power Technology Amplifierin Flexiwatt 25 packs for high-power radios. The structure P-Channel/N-Channel fully complementary output allows the bar-rail output voltage swing which, combined with high saturation minimize the loss of production and the new power references in the field of automotive – radio without distorting the historical results.

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