Approached scheme is simple, few external electronic components, is suitable for construction of car audio. Output power is 2 - 4 Ohm to 2 x 30 W (maximum 2 x 40 W) on two channels BTL (SETREO)
Pin Arrangement and functziile met. Circuit pins are placed on two rows. Bridge amplifier working so not linked to car speakers table! The integrated circuit can charge up to 8.4 A in pregnancy. Does the scurcircuit protectzie blocking the exit at high temperature (above 150 degrees Celsius). MUTE and STANDBY functzii has enabled the pin 11.
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TDA8560Q - 40W Stereo BTL Car Amplifier Circuit
Password : asinan
40W Stereo BTL Car
Amplifier Circuit using IC TDA8560Q
Amplifier Circuit using IC TDA8560Q