1. diodediode is an active component that has two channels and two electrodes. the benefit of a rectifier diode voltage, safety and withstand voltage flow in the reverse direction. electric current to the diode beginning ac (alternating current) is converted into dc (direct). diode array is none other than p and n semiconductor junctions. diode itself has more than one type, namely:• zener diode• diode bridge• silicon diode
2. resistorresistor or the remainder are two-pole electronic component used to limit the amount of current flowing in a circuit. resistor divider current role, lowering the voltage, the voltage divider, and inhibiting the flow of electric current. according to the value of the resistor is divided into three, namely:• fixed resistor• variable resistor• Non-linear resistor
3. kondesatorcondenser or capacitor is an electronic component that has power can store electrical charge. kondesator working through how to collect internal imbalance of electric charge. written with the notation c condenser components have units called farads. condenser or capacitor divided into three, namely:• condenser fixed (fixed capacity value can not be changed)• Electrolytic capacitor (condenser electrolit = elco)• variable capacitor (rated capacity can be changed)
4. fuse (fuse)fuse or safety devices in electronic rangkaianian play a circuit breaker when the use of excessive current in the circuit caused by the increased load or short braids. fuse has more than one type, namely:• fuse glass (glass fuse)• ceramic fuse (fuse blah)• temperature fuse (thermal fuse)
5. ic (integrated circuit)ic integrated circuit or integrated circuit is meaningful brain electronic equipment that has been integrated and constrained within a single chip. ic is a basic component that consists of a few hundred, a few thousand to millions of components like resistors, transistors and others.
The image below shows a complete Electronic Component Symbols
Electronics Components Symbols used in general on every electronic circuit and a standard